Sunday, April 1, 2012

My new life at Eastlake Community Church

I l-o-v-e my new(ish) church, Eastlake Community Church! I feel so much closer to God since going here than I have in a really long time. Let me give you some info and background on Eastlake...
EastLake is a non-denominational, inter-generational, multi-locational (is that a word?), somewhat disorganized church started by nine friends in 2005. For us, its all about, all because of, and all for… Jesus. It’s not about buildings with baristas, bowling alleys or bookstores. We want to embody the church Jesus had in mind and he never saw church as a place to go, but as a people… not a religious institution, but a movement of love and hope. We think this whole faith thing is at its best when it motivates selfless service, sacrifice, and love… caring about the things God cares about. As a family of faith, we are committed to dispense hope to our local communities and beyond… standing up for those who live on their knees by both bringing good news and being good news. We were all created to live for something larger than ourselves and God invites everyone, everywhere into this way of living. ECC website
Pastor Jeremy and Pastor Ryan are HI-larious and each sermon not only keeps my attention (unlike a lot of Catholic homilies), but makes the bible and its topics relatable to me and my life!

What you can expect a typical Sunday at Eastlake to look like:

  • friendly people will help you find your way around
  • kids will enjoy their own fun, age appropriate classes during the adult service
  • a live band will play 3 songs (you can just listen or sing along)
  • someone will pray and say “hi”
  • someone will talk about something that matters to your life
  • …and the whole thing will be over in about 70 minutes
And for you visual folks like myself, here are Pastors Jeremy and Ryan with their own hilarious version of what to expect...

Recently, Eastlake Seattle posted a call on their facebook page for people to share their story about how God's been moving in their life. Here is what I sent:
My story is long and complicated. (What story isn't?!) But here's the reader's digest version on how Eastlake has rocked my world..

I grew up Catholic and was very involved in the church. I went to mass every Sunday, went to Sunday school, led the middle school youth group, went on retreats, etc. I even graduated from a Jesuit university (Seattle U) in 2010. After the death of a dear family friend from cancer (she was only 11), I fell away from my faith. I didn't understand how God could allow a sweet child to die so soon. I strayed from the church, and from God.

Then, I met McKinley. She knew I was struggling with my faith and invited me to come to Eastlake with her. I did, and it was such a culture shock for me. The concepts I was presented with were so foreign to me. Come as you are? Ask questions? So different then the strict religious guidelines that I grew up with. I went once or twice, but work and life got in the way and I stopped going. 

Then, I saw that McKinley was leading a Growth Group for women this session and something said that this was where I was supposed to be. I needed to start mending my relationship with God and I wanted to find others who I could learn from and share with. This Growth Group has been EXACTLY what I needed and God put all these amazing women in my life who have helped me in ways that I didn't even know that I needed help. They are my saving grace. I now go to Eastlake Seattle every Sunday with Kristen and I LOVE it. 

God and I are still developing our relationship, but I'm trying to just let go and let God. None of this would have been possible without Eastlake and the amazing women in my Growth Group. Thank you SO much for all that you do. I have a new outlook on life, and I'm even serving as an usher! My next step is to attend the 101 class and become an official member. I can't wait!!!
I want to end this post with an invitation for you to join me any Sunday at Eastlake! Here is some important information to know...

There are 3 Eastlake campuses:

  1. Eastlake Seattle (the one I attend)
Kane Hall on the University of Washington Campus
4098 15th Ave NE  Seattle, WA 98105
Services: Sundays at 9:30am, 11:15am, 6pm
Contact: WebsiteFacebookTwitter
     2.  Eastlake Bothell
3301 Monte Villa Parkway  Bothell, WA 98021 
Services: Sundays at 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, 5pm, 6:30pm
Contact: WebsiteFacebookTwitter
     3.  Eastlake Sammamish
Skyline High School
1122 228th Ave SE  Sammamish, WA 98075
Services: Sundays at 9:15am, 10:45am
Contact: WebsiteTwitter
Ok, one last video...

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