Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cancer can suck it


Six little letters, but deadly when put together. Cancer has taken the lives of too many people that I know and care for, but now it's gunning for my family.

We found out a few months ago that my Uncle Phillip (my mom's oldest brother) had a brain tumor. We thought it was benign at first, but it's fast growth quickly proved us wrong. A few weeks ago, he started losing control of his body and having seizures, which are all signs of a brain tumor. Never a fan of Western medicine, him and his life partner (common-law wife) packed up the car and drove to Texas to some holistic center for some last-ditch karmic healing.

I just got word from my cousin that he is now in a hospital in the ICU. I spoke to my dad and apparently he has lost consciousness because the tumor is so large and pressing against certain parts of his brain and was admitted to the ICU somewhere in the San Antonio area. My Uncle Warren flew down there today to see what is going on, because it's tough to get information from them.

My Uncle Phil. Always so full of life and laughter. Now lying in some hospital hundreds of miles away from his family...

Uncle Phil and Rach

Uncle Phil and Poppa (his dad)

Phil and Wendy (his partner)

Uncle Phil with some of his nieces
Please, pray for him. Also pray for my grandfather. I can't imagine how much pain this must be causing him.

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