Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friends: The family you choose

You don't get to choose the family that you are born into. Sometimes that's good, and sometimes that's bad. At any rate, being up here in Seattle, I'm completely devoid of family except for my sister, who lives with her boyfriend up in Everett. However, I'm glad that I don't live closer to my parents. I don't have the best relationship with my mom, and the greater the distance, the better.

There's a saying that "friends are the family that you choose." I've chosen a surrogate family that I've become extremely fond of and attached to. And convenient for me, they live in the apartment below me!

I first met the Blakelys when I was moving into my apartment. I noticed that they were a super cute couple with an adorable little boy and girl. Kids! I was so excited to live near kids because I love to play with them.

As time evolved, I have gotten to know Janna and Chris really well. I have babysat for them, had dinner with them, and gone on fro yo adventures with them.

Janna is like the older sister I always wanted but never had. I can talk to her about anything, and we like to bond over Skinnygirl drinks and playdough. Her laugh is infections, and she has the same sense of humor as I do (dorky and silly!). She's also a woman of faith, so it's good to have someone close to my age to talk to about what can sometimes seem like an archaic tradition.

Chris is like the brother-in-law that I've always envisioned I'd have. He can match my quick wit, and hilarious. Oh, and as you can see in the photo above, he's got some wicked dance moves. He provides for his family, and he is an excellent father and husband.

Hayden just turned 6. He is so incredibly creative, and he has a belly laugh that is so infectious. We love to play legos, go to the park, and make up games together. He really loves his little sister, and I've seen him be incredibly sweet with her.

Hannah is the cutest little girl in the history of the world. She turned 3 this summer, and is as fun as ever. We love to play with playdough, color, and go to the park. She makes some pretty impressive animal noises, and always insists on giving me a kiss and a hug when we say goodbye. So cute, I could eat her up.

This is my sister, my brother, my niece, and my nephew. I wasn't forced into their family (although I certainly made it clear that I loved playing with their kids!), but I'm even luckier: I got to choose them to be my family! They're stuck with me now...Maybe I can be an honorary Blakely. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,
    I am Chris' twin sister and we are taking new memberships to be on team Blakely. We welcome you with open arms. I hope to meet you someday. You have captured all that is good about them and us. I feel so blessed to be part of my awesome family and understand the joy you feel from H and H. Thanks for sharing what is on your heart.
